Magnetic compass YT-QX980-B (boat)

The magnetic compass of the series cannot be used as a steering compass for small vessels with a hull length of no more than 24 meters. It is equipped with a basic semicircular autoheterodyne adjustment device and is able to adjust the autoheterodyne within 30° in the direction of east, west, south and north, the compass is adjusted in less than a step and is simple and convenient to use.
Diameter, mm 130
Height, mm 117
Scale From 0° to 360° with a division price of 5°
Cartouche, mm 65
Magnification Visual magnification up to 98 mm
                                                 Magnetic compass, liquid type
                                                The color is Black
                                                Base, mm 100
                                                Voltage, V 12/24
                                                The maximum length of the vessel, m 24
                                                Minimum operating temperature, -20 °C
                                                Maximum operating temperature, °C 60

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Novorossiysk. Russia